Related subjects →  Change , Picture .


This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to enhance the sharpness of selected images (pixel objects) by applying a blur mask. If no image is selected, the command will affect all images within range.


It works in the same way as the filter "Unsharp Mask" in Adobe Photoshop and other image processing programs: In areas with differences of hue or contrast the difference is gradually increased.

Warning: We must remember that this technique neither adds new details nor interpolates data from other data. If applied excessively or with inappropriate values, it may result in the apparition of unwanted halos.

The sharpenning effect can be altered by modifying three parameters:

  • "Amount": This is intensity with which the filter is applied. The value ranges from "1" to "500".


  • "Radius": The distance (number of pixels) that is taken into account in the areas of change in hue and brightness intensity. The larger the radius, the more the effect is expanded, the smaller the radius, the opposite.  It goes from "0.1" to "120" píxels.


  • "Threshold": The value in hue and brightness difference that neighbouring pixels must have to be taken into account. It ranges from "0.1" to "255" levels.


If we want to know the optimum values for a particular workflow, we can always first see the effect through the equivalent tool in the PitStop "Inspector".