Related subjects →  Select , Patterns , Colour space , Vectorial .


This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to select objects containing tiling patterns. The selection can be refined with five options (not mutually exclusive):

  • "Select text and line art filled with tiling pattern": Vector and text objects with a mosaic or pattern fill will be selected.
  • "Select text and line art with stroked with tiling pattern": Vector and text objects with a mosaic or pattern stroke will be selected.
  • "Select image masks filled with tiling pattern": Image masks that are filled with a mosaic or pattern will be selected.
  • "Select by coloured tiling patterns": Only mosaics with the colour definition in their elements (coloured patterns) will be selected.
  • "Select by uncoloured tiling patterns": Just the patterns that have their colour defined as a general instruction (uncoloured patterns) shall be selected.