Related subjects →  Change , Document , , Variables .

Change PDF metadata with PitStop.

This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to change or remove some of the document's metadata using a combination of user input and a limited set of variables.

If we choose "Remove", the affected field will be left empty. If we choose "Set to", the new metadata will replace whatever was there (the operation is not accumulative).

Change PDF metadata with PitStop.

The metadata that can be changed are the six shown in the screengrab above: Producer, Title, Subject, Author, Creator, and Keywords. If we want to change more than one we must use the command sequentially as many times as needed.

Change PDF metadata with PitStop.

Besides what the user may want to add arbitrarily, the 14 variables that are seen in the image above can be extracted from the document to add them to the new metadata.

Cambiar los metadatos de un PDF con PitStop.

For example, if we want the document title to change to add the current date and the number of pages, we will "Set it to" the following: "% Document Title% (% Date%) pages:% Page Count%".

If the PDF was titled "Little Birds 23", the result will now be "Little Birds 23 (September 5, 2020) Pages: 124".