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Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to select some pages of a PDF for further manipulation. Very simple and flexible selection patterns can be established using the following five main options:

Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

The options to select the "first page" or "last page" have no parameters.


The option to select "All pages" allows the selection to be limited to "Even" or "Odd" pages.

Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

The "Page range" option allows us to select specific batches of pages: From 1 to 23 ("1-23"), from 24 to 25 ("24-25"), from 33 to the end ("33-"), etc. Besides, this count can be done "from the end" by prefixing "R"; for example: From the penultimate to the end ("R3-").

In this selection we can also add the condition that what is selected be "Even" or "Odd"; for example: All even pages from page 23 onwards.

Warning: In these multiple selections, the sequence of selection must be incremental; the selection point must be moved from the beginning to the end (even if we refer to inverse counts using "R").

Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

The option "Select the number of pages is" refers to the page position within the sequence of pages of the document (not an amount of pages); for example: "Less than or equal to: 23" means "all pages  from 1 to 23" including this one.

The number can be used to modify the selection by adding the conditions shown above. This way we can modify "any page other than 44", for example (here only one page can be indicated).

Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

Furthermore, we can use the condition of being "Odd" or "Even" (which is in fact the same as the condition above).

Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

...Or that of not being a multiple of a specific number.

Selecting pages inside a PDF with an action list in Enfocus PitStop.

The last option allows us to specify spaced batches of pages: Every three pages, every eight pages, etc. Besides, this selection can be limited to a series of specific pages, for example: Every 3 pages but only from 1 to 12.