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Select layers by processing steps - ISO 19593-1

This Enfocus PitStop command allows us to select specific groups or types of processing steps in a document that conform to the ISO 19593-1 standard.

The selection can be made in two ways:

  • Selecting all existing processing steps layers: With the option "Select layer with any processing steps", all layers that have metadata identifying them as such are selected.
  • Selecting only one group or type of processing step: In this case, the user can select one "Group" (just one), and all layers belonging to that group will be selected.

    If we want also to select only one "Type" of processing step, we must check the option "Restrict to processing steps type" and choose the desired one.

    Select layers by processing steps - ISO 19593-1

    Warning: Whenever we choose a custom "Group" or "Type", PitStop will prompt us to specifically enter its value.

    Select layers by processing steps - ISO 19593-1